Donations come in many forms...

December 3, 2023

We are SO grateful to every one of our supporters; and that support comes to us in many different ways...

We recently had a huge sack of wild bird seed gifted to us - very much in use now the wintery weather is upon us. We were able to collect as it was close to one of our Trustees homes, and even if not, we do endeavour to find a way of getting such gifts collected through our network of supporters countrywide. It will help eke out the three sacks of seed and three tubs of fatballs I purchased yesterday to keep our feathered friends alive.

We have also recently been gifted a full pallet of poppy seeds by a company in Trafford Manchester; these are going down a treat with the seed-eaters, and who knows - those that get missed by hungry mouths may indeed give a further treat next year if they germinate! We have shared this gift with Knoxwood Wildlife Rescue, who as you know look after a number of our resident birds for us. (Photo shows a fairly well-packed van taking their quota northwards!)

We have a bakery who provides both us and Meltham Wildlife Sanctuary with all the left-over bread specifically to help the birds and reduce our costs; this is VERY much appreciated by both sanctuaries and the feathered friends we care for.

Of course, monetry gifts are always welcome, as we can apportion them exactly where needed; just as you have found your own costs going up, ours very much have risen too, and there are only so many cuts you can make but still provide the service that our feathered friends require. Please do continue to support both Three Owls and your own respective charities during this difficult period in our lives. It is through this support that we can bring you the insight into the work we do through these very website pages.

Take care all, I think this current snowfall will soon be clear.



Wild Bird Advice and information

Many people would help birds more, if they knew simple easy ways in which they could help wild birds, without going to too-much extra trouble. Often there are ways to help – that don’t actually ‘cost’ anything at all, but can make a huge difference to making birds welcome and safe in the environment around us.


One of the main causes of bird injuries (espec

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